Spiritual Study Classes
The study circle is a space in which a group of people, in a friendly and disciplined environment, are trained, with the help of a tutor and a sequence of courses, to serve society, while advancing in their own personal transformation process.
The study circle is both theoretical and practical. It comprises a series of text books, each associated with acts of service to the community. Especially outstanding are the actions taken to start and sustain classes for the spiritual education of children and groups that facilitate the empowerment of young people.
The study method is participatory, and includes creative and social activities. Each participant is responsible for his or her own learning process. The group establishes its own study pace.
This unique and innovative training programme for service to society has expanded around the world. The number of people who are wiling to make their valuable contribution to society through these groups, from capital cities to rural villages, is constantly increasing.
The study materials are based on Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings and have been developed after decades of work to help build a unified global civilization. The courses are outlined below:
Reflections on the Life of the Spirit
This course has touched the hearts of many from the most remote villages to the most populated cities! It is designed to enhance spiritual identity, offer skills in study of Sacred Texts, enrich prayer life and offer insights on the meaning of life and death. Participants learn that true life is the life of the spirit. Skills learned include those needed to hold devotional meetings in your home and neighborhood.
Arising to Serve
This course shares principles and teachings that frame Bahá’í community life. These principles include the Oneness of Humanity, the Equality of Women and Men, Universal Education and Justice. Through the example of sharing concepts with new Bahá’ís, this course helps the participant to understand the joy of sharing the Bahá’í teachings, and trains participants with practical skills to do so with interested individuals. The course also offers training in how to introduce spiritual principles into our daily conversations with others.
Teaching Children’s Classes
“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”
This course is of benefit to all, as we all have interactions with the children in our lives. These children are the most precious treasure a community can possess. The course offers skills in spiritual parenting, understanding the nature of children and in conducting classes for children with love, understanding and the discipline necessary to create a proper learning environment. Participants are trained to offer children’s classes in their home and neighborhood and gain some experience with Lesson Plans appropriate for five to seven-year-olds.
Twin Manifestations
This course addresses the lives of the Twin Manifestations “ the Herald of the Bahá’í Faith, the Báb, and the Author of the Bahá’í Revelation, Bahá’u’lláh. Through it participants gain spiritual insights into the potency of the short and dramatic Ministry of the Báb, the magnitude and significance of the spiritual forces released by Bahá’u’lláh in this Day and the promise this new Revelation holds for humanity.
Teaching the Cause
This course is an exploration of the subject of teaching, an act of particular spiritual significance that involves both “being” (giving attention to one’s inner condition) and “doing”. It addresses developing effectiveness in teaching through a posture of learning – action, reflection on experience and turning regularly to the Writings for insights and guidance. Participants become familiar with personal and collective teaching approaches and design a personal teaching plan.
To find a study circle near you, please fill out the Contact Us form and we will let you know when our next classes are forming.